Local Foundations Respond to Community Coronavirus Needs

Update March 30, 2020

Local Foundations Respond to Community Coronavirus Needs

The Sisters of Charity Foundation of Canton, Stark Community Foundation, and other local funders have joined forces to collectively and quickly respond to the needs of local organizations affected by the rapidly evolving spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Stark County. We expect to continue offering this assistance for the foreseeable future.

How to Apply for Funding

To keep local funders informed about the growing need, capture how organizations have been impacted, and streamline requests for financial support, a mini-grant application has been created. Grants will be awarded to local organizations for programs that specifically provide:

  • Assistance to homebound seniors
  • Pandemic child care 
  • Mental health services
  • Shelter and homelessness services
  • Other documented emerging needs

Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis; we will attempt to respond within a few weeks of submission.

Please note that the funders have responded to the increasing need for food through a partnership with the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank, which will provide support to its Stark County partners. 

This funding opportunity is intended to fill needs that are not currently being addressed through federal, state and local governmental resources. While grants cannot be made directly to individuals and families, critical support will be provided to organizations that directly support neighbors in need. Local 501(c)(3) organizations, churches, and government entities responding to the spread of COVID-19 in our community are eligible to apply. Individuals requiring emergency assistance should go to United Way of Greater Stark County’s website for more information: www.uwstark.org

For more detailed information on applying for funding, contact Anne Savastano, grants and operations manager at the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Canton, at asavastano@scfcanton.org or at (330) 454-5800, ext. 304.

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